Increase Speed and Save Resources with Simple Coding Style Changes

FPGA Programming – Increase Speed and Save Resources with Simple Coding Style Changes Table of ContentsFPGA Programming – Increase Speed and Save Resources with Simple Coding Style ChangesASIC vs. FPGA in Process AccelerationMLE Smart Process Redesign in FPGA Programming for Resource Saving and Speed Increasing ASIC vs. FPGA in Process Acceleration Compared to ASICs, FPGAs are a much more versatile option when it comes to accelerating processes with hardware, as an FPGA can be reconfigured and programmed as often as needed. However, one large benefit to ASICs is the possible maximum clock speed that can be reached. As its circuit is optimized for its specific function, it has a smaller footprint, resulting in a faster maximum clock speed. So one aspect of accelerating a process with FPGAs is not only just to redesign that process in hardware and hoping for faster results, but to smartly redesign that process to use as little hardware space as possible, resulting in a higher maximum clock speed. As engineers we know, there is always room for improvement, so we at Missing Link Electronics strive to continuously improve our existing product lineup. MLE Smart Process Redesign in FPGA Programming for Resource Saving and Speed Increasing In one of these development cycles, we encountered a simple, yet very
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