High-Speed Camera Recorder Powered by MLE’s Fast FPGA RAID (FFRAID)
High-Speed Camera Recorder Powered by MLE’s Fast FPGA RAID (FFRAID)

Excelitas PCO is a pioneer in cameras and optoelectronics, offering distinct platforms for high-speed cameras for a wide range of industrial, scientific, car safety, and aerospace applications.
The new pco.dimax series offers a unique platform of high-speed streaming cameras that enable clear images with a recording speed of over 2000 fps at a full resolution of 3.6 MPixel. This massive raw data rate of about 80 Gigabits per second (2166 frames per second * 1984 * 1808 pixels per frame * 10 bits per pixel) comes with the challenges to record this image data gapless and lossless!
MLE helped Excelitas develop the high-speed data acquisition and recording systems by implementing FFRIAD — a Fast FPGA RAID — to offload CPU-intensive tasks and achieve 80 Gbps sustained recording speeds.